nuri dense

Nuri Boru

Parents Name: Densa Boru Child Name: Nuri Boru Age: 3 Nuri came from far south of Ethiopia near Kenya border a place called Moyale, 771 km from the capital city. Nuri family are pastoralists, they have a lot of livestock, and live in a big community. Male child is considered sacred in his community, it was a sad event when he got sick. His sickness started a year and five month ago, he was not able to pass urine or stool. His stomach was swelling, he was in pain. The community collect money and took him to a hospital in Kenya, the hospital name is Sololo. In this hospital they treated him and put a cater to relive the urine and fed him in a tube. He was okay for a while but not so much improved. Densa was scared for his life so she decided to take him to the health center in her area, they referred her to Hawassa hospital. She brought her son to Hawassa hospital after two days they were referred to Tikur Anbessa, she came with her brother and when they reached Tikur Anbessa Nuri was admitted to emergency and with few hours the doctors operated on him, they told her it was a matter of life and death. He stayed in D7 and when he was feeling better, he was discharged. She was attending the counseling session and was very keen to learn about her child situation. She knew that Nuri’s treatment will take long and she knew that there was a place for her at Mother Theresa Home. Sr. Nuri and Yimmer (TAPCCO Social Worker) to send her there, her brother left and she went to the home in a bus with the others. The parents are very nice to her and she was able to see that there are other patients from her region. Densa said, “Now my child does not have the bag that was connected to him for his urine, he is a happy child. There is nothing more important for me, I have traveled so far and left my home, I am in a strange land but I feel this is my home too. TAPCCO helped me in all my problems, they bought medicine, gave accommodation and food, most of all my child gets milk every day”. She spent 26,000 Birr (1,130 US$), before she reached Addis, sold many cattle and goats. Last week she was asked to go back and renew her free papers that expired, I told Meaza and Yimmer the social worker and Sara talked to the people in the hospital and I got extension for three months. The only thing that worries her is her transportation back to home and the distance to travel with sick child. Now she is saved from that. I got help when I least expect it, I never traveled far from my place and don’t speak Amahric a language spoken in Addis, but people translate for me. Now I am learning Amharic I understand most of it. “My child life is extended because of the help of TAPCCO and their supporters. I would have left long ago and my child surly would have died. I owe to you all for Nuri’s life.”

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