Father Name: Demeke
Child Name: Bantegize Demeke
Bantegize Demeke is a 1 years old male. He was born in Shebe 50 km from Jimma City, South Western Ethiopia. Bantegize illness started with a stomach pain and abdominal swelling two months back. The swelling was noticed by the mother and as soon as she noticed it she took him to a nearby hospital. Where they done some tests and referred him to Jimma Hospital.
His father Demeke was able to bring Bantegize to Jimma Hospital and after investigation it was able to know that he has Wilmis Tumor, and then sent her to the pediatric oncology ward and after more investigation he started taking chemo.
Bantegize problem after taking chemotherapy disappeared, now he is 4 years old who completed chemotherapy one year back, he is now on follow-up, currently he came with appointment, otherwise no other complaint, he is stable, doing well and very active.
Demeke is a committed father with full of hope for his child. He is thankful for all the help he got from TAPCCO/ASLAN and their supporters.
He said “The psychological support especially in group counseling sessions helped me to decide to let my child get treated, the stories that other parents were sharing gave me hope. I am so thankful for the TAPCCO home in Jimma and I am so happy because I would have not afforded to stay in Jimma all this time. Thank you for TAPCCO/ ASLAN for making this possible, I am an ordinary person earning small income I would not have been able to afford cancer treatment all this time without the help I got from TAPCCO/ASLAN”.