Mehedi Salew

Parent Name: Salew Agegnew
Child Name: Mehedi Salew

Mehedi Salew is a seven (7) years boy who has come from Amhara regional state, south Wello in a specific place called Caffee Ballo which is 497 km from the capital city of Addis Ababa. His health problem started three years ago, he had a small and painless swelling on lower part of his abdomen. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and presence of war in the region they could not go to the nearby hospital for almost one year. After one year when things settled his father took him to Mekane Selam Hospital. After they examined him they referred Mehedi to Dessie hospital. At Dessie hospital they took sample and ordered them to take it to a private laboratory for diagnosis that took fifteen (15) days then they told them that the result showed cancer then they were referred to Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital (TASH).

This was during the time of Ramadan in 2022. Then Mehedi began his investigation they stayed for one month in a hotel paying 250 birr (5USD) on daily basis. After a month they were referred to 5nga the outpatient and solid tumor center of Tikur Anbessa. The doctors asked us for CT scan to confirm the stage and depth of the tumor, before he began chemotherapy. Unfortunately the CT scan machine was not functional at Tikur Anbessa. So they had to pay for the diagnosis outside, they were asked 8,000 Birr (150 USD). Salehu heard about TAPCCO and the psychologist Bekalu told him about the service. But Salehu was not convinced he needed help and he went back home to sell his oxen and sheep. He got enough money from the sales and his relatives also contributed some money this took us 40 days.

On June 9, 2022 he came to Addis Ababa with the required money to have CT scan. Fortunately the CT scan machine at TASH was fixed as a result he did not spend the money. On the same day after we received the result he began the treatment. Then he was able to learn that the treatment would take long and he came to ask Bekalu what TAPCCO is doing. This time he realized that he needs the support; he then came with his son Mehedi to TAPCCO Home, 70 dereja. They stayed here at 70 Dereja for about eight (8) months during this time Mehedi was given chemotherapy for a total of twenty (20) times. The result was so encouraging that Doctors who followed his case thanked Salew for his action of early coming before the swelling became big and spread. Recently he had a CT scan and the result is good that now they are given a three (3) months appointment for a checkup.

Salew said, “The health of my son has improved all because of the support provided for us from TAPCCO/ASLAN. My early action has helped but if I continued interrupting the treatment thinking I can afford it, I would have lost my son. I want to convey my deepest gratitude to all of you who provided us with everything we needed. I will advise all parents to take their child to treatment at the earliest stage in order to have a better recovery. You are all God sent, may Allah the almighty give you the strength to look after all those that need help. Thank you TAPCCO/ASLAN.”

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