Transfer can be made to account
Tesfa Addis Parents Childhood Organization Commercial Bank of Ethiopia Addis Ababa Branch
A/C number: 1000036686492
Swift Code: CBETETAA
Cheque or Cash
Pay in cheque or cash coming to our office or we can come to your office and collect the amount upon issuing a receipt.
ADDRESS: Tesfa Addis Parents Childhood Cancer Organization (TAPCCO) Seba Dereja, Arada Subcity, Wereda 6, House No. 728. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Pay for Investigation for those that can’t afford. Most laboratory investigations are free but sometimes sophisticated tests are required that have cost implication. Thus, you can help by assisting a patient to get such tests that could cost from 10 USD to 150 USD. Tests like MRI, CT-scan, X-rays, and other related tests could cost from 20 USD to 300 USD. o A patient could be asked one or more of the above tests on the average 4 times or more in the treatment period.
Children under treatment access medication needed from the hospital through “Tena Medhin” scheme (Insurance scheme by government that a family buys for nominal fee). TAPCCO intervention happens when medicines are out of stock or not available in the hospital pharmacies. TAPCCO buys from private pharmacies and support patients to continue treatment and beat cancer. TAPCCO get support for patients in Addis Ababa from Ethiopian Insurance Company since 2019. Jimma and Gondar get support from the Aslan Projects and individuals. Average cost of medicine amounts to USD 6,000 per month. strong Medicine is high priority/strong as it is crucial for the treatment journey as well as in reduction of treatment abandonment rate. Often parents say, ‘If there is no medicine there is no point in staying in TAPCCO House, I have come leaving my family back home, I would rather bury my child home with my family and friends, as no medicine means guaranteed death of a child.’
Cover the transportation cost of a patient to and back to their regions.
• Maximum amount in a year USD 500 per month.
• Cover the intercity transportation cost transport per year amounts to USD 6,000.
Pediatrics cancer patients that come from the regions usually do not have a home to provide the necessary nutritious food. Most of these patients find it hard to get basic foods in regular interval.
One important step in helping pediatrics cancer patients is helping them to keep clean. Provision of soap and detergent is a step to cure.
How to help?
• 10 Birr can buy one body soap last for two weeks/patient.
• 20 Birr can buy a pack of detergent or laundry soap last for two weeks/patient.
• Coffee ceremony for group counseling – One coffee ceremony cost 10 USD (coffee ceremony is held three times a week to discuss about issues around pediatrics cancer).
• Birthday Celebration – TAPCCO celebrate a birthday every month for children born in the month. Birthday celebration cost per hospital 55 USD in the five hospitals around 275 USD.
• Happy Cart support – Happy Cart is a trolley that would go around the ward with gifts for children admitted. This would make a child in hospital bed to look forward to each day and help the healing process. The cart content would be assorted candies, giveaway toys, books, colors, or other gift items for the children. The cost for filling up a cart is 50 USD per week.
• Holiday Celebration- TAPCCO Celebrates major Christian and Islamic Holidays for the patients and parents staying at the accommodation so that they fight holiday gloom of missing their home and the celebration of holidays. This could cost up to 600 USD per holiday celebration.
• Recreation and Outings: TAPCCO plans to have two recreation program in a year for the children to go entertaining visits and picnics so that they relax and break away from the routine hospital visits and treatment. This also part of the psychological support that would help to have positive energy and help healing process. It is estimated that the cost of the recreation including the bus rent would cost total 500 USD per outing.
• Paintings and Maintenance of the Ward:- Pediatrics Oncology and Hematology Ward. TAPCCO plans to do annual maintenance by painting the rooms and fixing items and accessories broken in the ward. For such purpose the estimated cost is 3,000 USD per year.