Awareness Raising Activities
One of TAPCCO’s work is raising awareness about childhood cancer and its curability. In this regar…
TAPPCO is involved in various projects to help patients and parents
cope with the socio economic effects of childhood Cancer.
One of TAPCCO’s work is raising awareness about childhood cancer and its curability. In this regar…
Children with cancer in Ethiopia are often affected by infections that are easily preventable. One w…
TAPCCO Celebrates seven major Christian and Islamic Holidays for the patients and parents staying at…
TAPCCO gives transportation services five times a week from and back to the accommodation to Tikur A…
Children at the accommodation has schooling program where they learn basic alphabet, art, and other …
TAPCCO has a skill building program for parents staying in the accommodation. This gives opportunity…
TAPCCO also provides clothing for those in need as some parents come to treatment planning for a sho…
TAPCCO gives accommodation services to patients undergoing treatment that seeks temporary place to s…
TAPCCO also tries to give support in purchase of medicines that are not easily accessed by the patie…